Friday, October 11, 2019

22 Oct.: The story in a scientific report

***Next class meeting is 22 Oct. - I am away on 15 Oct.***

Find the book Writing Science by Joshua Schimel on u:search. You can get the full text online bu clicking on "Online-Zugriff" under the entry for the book, and then click on "EBSCOhost eBooks" under "Online Zugriff." You may have to log on with your UniVie account. 

Read chapter 4, "Story Structure."

Next, find two primary research articles of interest to you, in two different journals, and identify the story elements in each article: Opening, Challenge, Action, and Resolution

For one of your articles (or both if you feel like it), write a short outline of the story in complete sentences, in terms of Schimel's OCAR (or ABCDE).

What is good or bad about the titles of these articles? Can you think of ways to improve the titles?

Finally, compose a title for an article or proposal that you might like to write. Make one title that is compose two titles for a report or proposal you are writing or might like to write. One title should be more technical, as for a specialized journal, and the other more general and catchy, as for a presentation to a broader audience.

Optional: Look for a particularly bad article title, and bring it to share with the class.

In case you are interested, there is a series of videos with Josh Schimel:

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