Class will meet on Wednesday afternoons 13:15-14:45.
The first class meeting is on Wednesday, 4 October 13:15 s.t. in Seminarraum 1.5, UBB, Djerassiplatz 1, Ebene 1 1.012.
The first class meeting will be in person. Some class meetings may be online through Moodle. If you are not already registered for the class, you can attend the first class meeting, and if there is still space, I can add you.
As much as possible, the class will consist of interactive work on your own writing projects. Along with this, there will be weekly homework assignments, some of which will include a written assignment to be collected in class or to be part of an in-class exercise.
Evaluation is based on attendance and participation (2/3) and completion of homework assignments (1/3). Attendance is required: two absences (excused or unexcused) will be allowed before your grade is affected, and you must attend at least 7 class meetings in order to earn a passing grade. Evaluation is continuous (prüfungsimmanent) - i.e. no exams.