Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Resources for scientific writing
Saturday, October 10, 2020
For 14 Oct: Literature searching and article summary
Searching the scientific literature:
Try using some literature searching tools to locate scientific papers in a field of interest to you.
Bring questions to class!
Choose a few keywords in your field of interest, and try searching for
articles in at least two different databases - e.g. Pubmed, Web of
Science, Scopus, Google Scholar (links below). Try different
combinations of keywords, and maybe author names, and see what you find.
2) Choose one article from the lists of results.
Is an abstract available?
Is the full text available online?
Can you find the journal's website easily from the information and links in the database you are using?
How many times has this article been cited by other articles in this database?
Some links:
These and others are at the UniVie library site - click on "Datenbanken"
Also check out some reference management programs, such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, JabRef, and any others you might know about.
Summarizing a research article:
3) Read this short article on how to read a scientific paper:
Note that this was written for non-scientists, but the ideas (mostly) apply to us as well. We will discuss this article in class.
(Here is a pdf of the article: )
4) Read a primary research article in your field or a field of interest to you, and be prepared to give the class (or a breakout group) a very short oral summary of its main points.
Please also write your summary (just a few sentences) and submit it through Moodle.
Cover the points that are most relevant or important to you about this article. Especially consider:
What question, problem, or hypothesis does the research address?
What was the approach or method used?
What did the authors find out: what is the most important result reported in this paper?
What is the overall importance or interest of this work?